A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Results are in!

I have finished. The 14-day challenge is over.

The results are in....

I've lost just over 3 lbs. Woohoo.

It's not much, BUT IT'S SOMETHING! Maybe I'm not a BIG Loser...more like a little loser!

I've been to the gym everyday but Fridays for the past 14 days.

I've met with my trainer twice.

I've gone to the doctor once (blood test results are in next week and a follow-up appointment will be on 7/7).

I'm doing my part. I'm seeing results. I have to keep going.

So what are the REAL results? This 14-day challenge will be extended. I will keep going. I will continue giving this EVERYTHING I have - in fact, I'm willing to donate 50 lbs for FREE!

Anways, I'm going to continue to eat lo-carb (with most of my carbs at breakfast). I will continue to eat protein at every meal. I havent' eaten a single french fry over these 14 days. I will continue to skip out on the fries. Wendy's gourment salads are an everyday staple for me. I will continue to eat those Chicken BLT and Cobb salads - yum! I've even gone days without drinking any diet soda. I haven't yet given those up - maybe, maybe not...

Keep cheering for me. Pray for me. I'm believing I'm being a good steward of the body that God has given me. I want to be as healthy as I can - for HIS purpose.

Alright, let's go for another 14-days. We'll go from there!

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