A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I curse "THE CURSE"

It seems to me that the 4 lbs "fluctuation" in my weight earlier this week may just have been a result of that blasted CURSE! Water weight. That's all it was. I work and work and WORK and what do I get, a dang fluctuation due to THE CURSE!

So, it's back to the gym I go.

Not that it would matter. I would still go. It's part of my 14-day challenge, minus yesterday because my schedule did not permit a trip to the gym. (Although, playing mini-golf and swinging at some pitches in the batting cages should count for something). I have a graduation party tonight that threatens my choices to maintain "low-carb". I know I will be watched to see if I take some of that baked ziti or not. I shall speak of it no more!

I am still VERY sore from Thursday's workout. My shoulders and side muscles (pardon the technical terms) are sore even to the touch. Typing on this laptop also brings about a small amount of soreness. But alas, I am determined that these types of set-backs will not hold me back. I think my legs and buttocks are sore too, but I can't feel them from the aching in my sides!

No. I am not a quitter. Anyone who knows me knows that. Even if all seems lost or a waste of time, I will continue because I have committed to doing so. I will be the BIGLOSER that I've set out to be. It just might take me a little more time and some harder workouts!

I am convinced that the perseverance will at some point be rewarded. If not with weight loss - than a trip to Rita's (which by the way, I haven't been to but once since they opened in March). I'm not that easily swayed.

So off I go - again, for another 2 hour weekend session at the gym!

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