A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Where's my Peeps?

It hasn't been that bad, but it's been bad enough. I haven't fallen off the bandwagon just yet, but I am hanging on the side railings.

Ok - so, where am I at?

I have been hitting the gym pretty much daily during the week. I haven't slowed on that, yet I've missed at least one day over the past 3 weeks. I haven't gone at all on the weekends, but I'm not a couch-potato either.

Where I have been slipping is in the food choice department. I have, on the most part, been sticking to cereal and oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, nuts, fruit or yogurt for mid-morning and soup and bread for lunch. But from there, it just slowly is going downhill.

I don't like that I've started drinking Diet Coke again. So far, just one a day (hopefully, we can stop that altogether). I've been drinking coffee in the morning. That makes me feel like I'm slipping...maybe that's my issue. By mid-afternoon, I've been wanting chocolate again. I haven't been eating it, but I REALLY want too...

I have eaten too many jelly donuts in the past 3 weeks - at least one a week. This place ALWAYS has donuts somewhere. I don't like it. I'm better off without the option. I won't seek them out, but somehow they find me. So, don't bring or buy me donuts! I love you, but don't bring me donuts...try an apple or a banana...those are good.

I forgot my lunch yesterday so I was forced to do the fast-food thing. Let's just say I didn't make a good choice. Maybe I should eat the straw in the wagon that I'm hanging off of...

Granted, I've been lucky and haven't gained any weight, but then again, I haven't lost any either...maybe it's time to pull myself up, swing my leg over the railing and fall back into that wagon!

But I need some help! Where my peeps?!?!

I haven't been doing half bad all on my own, but I have only been doing half-good on my own. Some accountability helps...cheering from the sidelines...

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