A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I ran a 5k!

It has been a very LOOOOOONGGGGG time since I last ran a 5k. I believe it's been over a year. I just have not had the interest in running since I completed the half in April. Well, I did it!

I woke up at 6:00 this morning to begin prepping. I had a bowl of Organic Cheerios-like cereal with 1% and some honey. Yummy! I got dressed in my running tights and half marathon technical shirt (it was cold outside), put on my UA running gloves and headed out the door to go get registered. I got there really early.

So, I did the registration thing and sat in my car for 20 minutes with the heat on, all while eating a PowerBar that came in the Goodie Bag (one of the fringe benefits of running). After I finished the bar, I decided to take my gym bag and head inside the gym for some stretching and pre-run strategy (which for me is just putting on my Ipod and doing some stretching, all while wondering why I signed up to do this!).

I headed back outside to the registration area to pick-up a free cup of hot Black Coffee - mostly just to warm-up and get a little caffeine-boost. Then, the Master's Master walked up. I didn't know she was going to run this race, but was glad to see a face I recognized.

Race Time - headed to the starting line-up, got the National Anthem sang to us by the NPHS choir and we were off! I had my Nike+ with me to track the run and provide a little motivational music. There's nothing like Shania Twain singing, "I feel like a Woman" to get you in the mood for running 3.1 miles!

The race course was flat. There were absolutely no hills. PERFECT! I ran pretty fast for the first mile - stayed with the Master's Master almost the first mile, but it wasn't my pace and I couldn't get in a rhythm, so I slowed up ever so slightly and found my race-pace. My breathing followed...

I RAN THE ENTIRE RACE - only walking to grab water and sip it - AND THEN RAN AGAIN!

I also finished 4 minutes faster than my average pace for a 5k. I haven't ran that fast in over 10 years. I am so happy. I was going to be happy to hit my average pace - considering I haven't ran in months.

Other than my lungs screaming out for mercy, this was an awesome run. Now, I've got a fever. Wait, not just a fever - THE FEVER - RACE FEVER.

I want to run again. Maybe it's time to get the ol' running journal out and start some goals for the next few weeks and months. Or maybe...nah. I'll just sit here, sipping on my McD's coffee and bask in the glow of this morning's accomplishment!


FatGirl said...

That is awesome!!! Congratulations! I wish I could run a 5k,hehehe!

The Gang's Momma! said...

Great Job! I canNOT identify with "The Fever" but I'm happy for you - and I'll keep cheering ya all the way!

Sean Anderson said...

Way to go! I can't imagine running a 5 K, I can't even imagine running for any distance right now, But I will.

Thank you for commenting my blog!
Sean Anderson