A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Basking in the Glow...

It's been 2 days since the 5k - I'm still basking in the glow of my victory!

Ok - so maybe I didn't win the run or even place in my age group, but it was a personal victory to have ran almost 4 minutes faster than I have run in over 10 years! It goes to show that the training and working out is really "working" out.

So, I've decided that I'm running in another 5k on 11/22. I had already decided it was time to jump back on the 5k wagon. I have always loved the 5k, simply, it's only 3.1 miles. I don't have to commit to weeks or months of training and strategizing...I just go out and run and hopefully stop running in just over a half hour. Easy enough...

Today, I'm going to the gym to put in some serious cardio time. I'm thinking a slight jog on the treadmill or a time of gliding on the Arc trainer ... I guess it depends on how I feel when I hit the gym at lunchtime.

I'm also basking in the glow of the choices I made last week...

Last week, I was fighting a losing battle with salt and a lack of preparation - let's just say I have set-up a strong foundation in the McD's Monopoly Game!

This week, I'm playing a new game! I'm setting a strong foundation to get me through this week, meal by meal. I have the instant oatmeals, fruit, yogurts, nuts, raisins. I picked-up some low calorie, Healthy kashi meals on the clearance rack (awesome deal) for those nights where I don't feel like cooking. There are plenty of options to keep me from feeling out of control or to help when I'm feeling lazy.

By the end of this week, maybe I'll be basking in a new glow - the glow of FINALLY hitting that elusive (and I mean stealth-like elusive) 10 lb mark!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

The Gang's Momma! said...

MMMMMM, now I'm craving almonds. Thanks :)

You oughta talk to the Boss and Shaggy about running 5K's - they both keep saying they want to "get back into training mode." You'll NEVER hear me utter those words, but I do admit I kinda am starting to miss the gym. A little bit. Just a very littlest bit.