A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Friday, August 15, 2008


I love Fridays.

It's my "free" day (ie: Fat-free* Friday - everything you eat is fat-free.). I tend to eat a pretzel or breakfast sandwich. I go out for lunch. I hang-out for fun on Friday nights.

I, also, make it my "free" day from the gym.

But that is no longer. I've changed my schedule. I used Fridays as the day-off from going to the gym or any strenuous exercise. It was my proverbial exercise "day of rest".

Thursdays and Sundays are now my days of rest. I am trying a new schedule to see if it will help in getting to the gym on Saturdays. Lately, I miss 3 days in a row! I can't afford to miss that many days in a row. It's just that the whole schedule is thrown off with that free Friday.

So now, I will have free Thursday. I don't know that I'll make it fat-free* Thursday - it just doesn't sound right. I'll keep that on Fridays. Maybe I won't feel quite as quilty eating whatever it is that I might eat ...

So for now, TGIF - it's FAT-FREE* FRIDAY!

*Disclaimer: These statements are only true if you believe them. Fat-free Friday is only mental, you will still ingest fat if you choose to do so, but the purpose is to free you from the guilt that is associated from eating a large fries or a loaded baked potato.

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