A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Ok – so my favorite reality program is on tonight – The Biggest Loser. There’s just something about the raw reality of being overweight. Some people watch the previews or the show and think, “Look at those fat, lazy people. Stop stuffing your face! That’s why you’re obese.”

But then again, there is never just one simple answer. And it’s not fair to stereo-type…

I spent the past year training for 2 different half-marathon runs. I had a physical trainer for the past 6 months. I’ve been categorized as a “gym rat” by my co-workers and gym buddies. I’ve made a LOT of changes in my diet and routine in life. I gave up caffeine as part of the process. And yet, I’m overweight.

Dang! Maybe if I got off the couch and went for a run…or stopped by the gym during my lunch hour, I just might get rid of all this weight ---duh! Get your head out of the sand and face reality – not everyone sits down and eats a whole package of Oreos or a bag of chips for a snack (I don’t even have that kind of food in my house).

I can run 13.1 miles at one time. I’m healthy – my blood-pressure is normal. My cholesterol is below 170. Though, I have a weight issue.

My doctor says that I’m potentially more healthy than those who are thinner and seemingly healthier. Because I’m doing the right things.

So, I will almost religiously watch TBL throughout these next few weeks and months. I will find a new source of motivation and ideas for my workouts. I will empathize with the men and women who are going through these trials for this time. I will continue on the path I’ve chose for myself over these past 9 months.

I don’t want to be a downer. Just being straight. Sometimes that’s what you gotta do. I hope someone somewhere in the world wide web will find some motivation – some encouragement by these words that I am writing.

Until next time…

1 comment:

FatGirl said...

You're right about the stereotypes. Some of us did become overweight due to overeating and not exercising...I'm one of them...but I've never eaten an entire bag of Oreos or a sack of potato chips in one sitting.

It is possible to be fit and overweight at the same time. I bet most people couldn't run 13 miles in one go...I sure couldn't! That's REALLY impressive!