A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holding Steady...

For those of you who might be daily scale jumpers...you know exactly what I'm talking about.

As part of your daily routine, you jump on the scale to see how things are going...some days, the weight goes down, some days it goes up. I've had fluctuations as much as 5-7 lbs in a day! That's frustrating when you're really working hard.

But here's something I've noticed lately...I'm holding steady. I'm not seeing the fluctuations I've seen in the past. In fact, the biggest increase/decrease I've seen is like .4 lbs. That's less than an 8oz difference (or 1 cup of water).

Maybe, just maybe, the hard-work is paying off.

I've been watching the number slowly decrease. It's been sooooo encouraging. This morning, I saw an all-time low on the home scale. I can't wait to see what I get at the gym (that's the "official" scale that I use. I'm seeing a possible 2 pound difference between the two).

So, if the scales are true...I just may be seeing the 2-teens today....YEAH!!!

But whether I do or don't - it's all Good...

I'm holding steady!

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