A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Time for A Change

I guess it's time for a change!

After yesterday's blog entry - I got some challenging words "DO NOT QUIT!" Well, I don't plan on it. I was just having a moment - just keeping it real. I appreciate the encouragement.

I skipped out of work early yesterday for an evening of "full-contact" snowboarding (that's what it's called when I do it) and skiing (which is what I do when I've had enough getting my butt kicked by a wooden plank!). I spent almost 4 hours going up the lift, down the hill. Up the lift, down the hill. It was a well-needed break from "running in place" on the treadmill or "climbing" imaginary steps on the stairmaster. I guess I needed that.

Now I need to focus on getting my diet back in shape. That's an area that has slipped down a slippery slope throughout this whole week. I can use Jedi mind tricks to force myself to the gym, but I have been overdoing it on the 1500-calorie diet. Let's just be honest, there are times when a girl is just hungry and feels the need to eat. I've probably averaged 2000 calories over the past week. Not bad - except, I don't lose weight on a Normal calorie load and going to the gym. I only lose weight on a lower calorie diet and excessive exercise. If only 15 lbs over the period of 1-year isn't proof - I don't know what is.

So, I'll be doing a little "changing up" of the diet in order to get back on track. I'm definitely going to take the advice of one commenter and add some extra fiber into my diet. Hopefully, that will take care of the satiation issues I've been wrestling with over the past few days.

I'll let you know how it goes!

Tomorrow is weigh-in day for the Biggest Loser contest at the gym. Keep your fingers crossed that I actually lost weight this week instead of gaining it...

1 comment:

Chris said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Good luck at weigh in.

Remember, you can't diet forever. it does us good to go off the diet for a week and eat at our maintenance level.