A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Butt hurts!

Usually the day after training, a lot of body parts are sore and tired.

But today - my butt hurts.
I thought my shoulders or upper back would be sore, but no, it's my rump, derriere, backside, heiny, butt, gluteus-maximus (emphasis on the maximus!). I haven't had soreness in that particular location in awhile. I guess that means I must have worked them good!

My trainer whooped me.

In my training session I did the following:
  • One-legged lunges (with the other one on a bench)
  • Lateral pull-downs
  • Straight arm pull-downs
  • Modified pull-ups
  • Dumbbell butterflies with benchpress
  • Squats with medicine ball lift
  • Crunches on ball
  • Sit-up crunches, balancing on heiny
  • Hamstring pulls on the ball
  • One-armed Kettle ball "rows"
Today is day 4 of "Week of Optimism". I'm optimistic that my butt's gonna hurt all day. I'm optimistic that it's going to rain all day. I'm optimistic that there's no energy in this tired ol' body! I'm optimistic that I've been doing fairly well in what I'm eating and those pounds are slowly melting of my body (probably more like ounces, but I'll take 'em!). I'm optimistic that water is good for you and that sucking on and spitting out sunflower seeds is good for you. I'm optimistic that if you set-up a popcorn maker in the lobby of your business and offer it for free the entire day - you will improve the morale of an entire company!

I'm optimistic that this weekends' 5-miler is going to be hard, but so worth it!

1 comment:

F. McButter Pants said...

Good luck with your 5 miler! Hope the booty feels better.

I like that Week of Optimisim

Good for you!