A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Treadmill Mania!

I've got a new passion - one I never thought would happen.

I love the TREADMILL.

I know, I know. How could I possibly love running on a treadmill. All you do is basically run in place. Your surroundings never change. The only "air" flow you get is from the mini fan located on the treadmill.

Catch this - the gym has cable. Yep, so while I'm running my 10-11 min/mile, I can flip over to the Travel Channel and explore the sites and sounds of Prague or Rome. I get to see the local food-faires or activities. It's educational.

I have been enjoying listening to my I-Pod while watching (with subtitles), the Travel Channel. I have been running harder and longer than when I run outside. Now don't get me wrong, nothing can replace the joys of running outdoors, but if you gotta be in the gym and sweat off some calories, you might as well be doing it on a treadmill.

Plus, I have been sweating unlike I've ever sweated. I never sweat that much during a run outside. I'm not sure if it's because I run harder on a treadmill or that the outside is cooler, but either way, sweat is good.

So, I plan on another 2 miles during lunch today. That's 6 total miles for this week - so far!

If you're looking for me - somewhere between 12 and 1 - follow the smoke that's wafting in the air over the Hatfield Athletic Club. That's the smoke coming from a smokin' hot treadmill. And the person running on that smokin' hot treadmill - that's me - one smokin' hot Treadmill Maniac!


The Gang's Momma! said...

Girl, you really oughta see a dr. about this. I mean one of those mental health professional type docs. :)

FatGirl said...

Your gym sounds awesome! I wish you could change the channels at ours...it's mostly non-controversial stuff like CNN, CNBC, and sports, but one of them insists on putting Fox News on. (Blech!)

Kaden said...

That great.!! I too love fitness exercise or running at home on my treadmill.