A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm not getting anywhere...

Well, it seems that I am just plain' ol' not getting anywhere.

I am in a routine, a gym "rut" per se...

I go to the gym at lunchtime. I watch (mostly) what I'm eating. But the scale, it's also routine. It's the same ol', same ol'.

It's time for some shock and awe!

I have been in the same place since practically January. It's time for a change.

You know the saying - if you keep doing what you've always done - you'll get the same results. If you like the results you're getting, then keep doing what you're doing, but if you don't...then, it's time for a change!

But saying it and doing it are 2 different things!

Now I need to find my "get up and go". I've hired Sue back as my personal trainer. We start next week. I'm hoping that's a fire that will light my "get up and go". I need to make some changes and they need to start soon.

I don't like plateaus. I don't like sitting still. I don't like same ol', same ol'!

So, I'm gonna "get up and go"...well, at lunchtime that is.

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