A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Friday, January 16, 2009

A season of renewal...

The new year always comes with the promises of new beginnings and refreshing for our physical and emotional bodies. We should not neglect the Spiritual.

So, in lieu of blogging about weight loss and the activities that go about doing that, I want to blog about what God is doing in my life. Because, as much as we might strive to meet some number goal on the scale, counting calories burned vs. calories consumed or striving for physical fitness, if we neglect the spiritual side of our lives - we've gained (or loss) nothing!

For as long as I can remember, I have always taken the beginning of the year to set some goals to connect with God on a deeper level. One of the goals has been to begin the year with some sort of a fast. For the past 2 years, our church has been participating in a corporate time of 14-days of fasting and prayer. This year, I'm fasting the entire 14-days.

Today is day 5.

I have been taking time to slow down, sleep more, pray more, read my Bible and just plain ol' connect with God. It doesn't take long to realize how much I've neglected just spending time with God - connecting with Him on a heart level. I've just put some worship music on and just rested before HIM. My middle of the night - wide awake moments have become times of prayer and communion. My lunch hour time in my car has become my sanctuary - reading my Bible and listening to worship music or just quietly praying before God (right before I take a power nap).

I've gone to the gym a couple of times, but I've just casually walked on the treadmill. I've been going to bed much earlier and enjoying more rest and quiet in my home. The TV has basically been off all week. I've been enjoying the break from most of the world (except for the work aspect - which is a whole other blog!).

So, when the fast is over, I'll be back on track with the gym and dieting and all the other good stuff for weight loss, but in the meanwhile, I will be "working out" my spiritual muscles and spending sometime in God's Gym!

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