A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Going through the motions

There's a time in any routine in life where one must go through the motions in order not to lose any ground. That's sort of where I'm at.

Maybe it's the changing of the seasons or the slow (and I mean extremely slow) results that I'm getting from my workouts, but I am just not feeling the motivation. In fact, I'm not feeling ANY motivation!

What should I do?

I'm thinking a little change-up is in order. Since Daylight Savings is this weekend, maybe I could try:
  • Going to the gym earlier in the day, like before work (say 6:00 am-ish)....
  • Re-hiring my trainer (gotta figure out the financial part for that to work)...
  • Changing up the routine...going all-out on cardio on a daily basis and specific strength training targets each day...
  • Seeing a nutritionist to help with the diet (again, figuring out finances)
  • Renewing my determination (we all know it's a mental game - gotta focus!)

How about you? Got any advice for me?

Send me your ideas, suggestions, criticisms, whatever...Help me get out of this slump that I'm slowly falling into...I don't want to lose any ground and I HATE just going through the motions!


The Gang's Momma! said...

Have you checked to see if your gym membership and/or a nutritionist is or would be covered under your employer's health plan? I get reimbursed up to a cap and can apply for both the gym and WW if I go back. I always roll the $$ back into the next payment of either.

Hang in there - you're looking awesome. Maybe go line dancing or something - switch it up with rollerblading? Just thinkin' :) And no, I'm not going with you.

Mariann said...

My trainer actually suggested a week off - yep - a whole week off! She said I might be burning out my body and that's why it's not responding. In fact, every exercise I did today was with great exertion. So, I may heed her advice and take a week here in the next week or so (before the holidays). Then, she said my body would respond better when I jumped back in...