A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Squat Thrusts and All that Jazz!

I'm still teetering on that 10-lb mark - just can't quite hit that mark. I figured it's time to pull out all the stops and hit the gym with some of the exercises that have made me sweat the most and be sore the longest. So, I did SQUAT THRUSTS! (See "Kill the Trainer" on 6/19/08).

Yep. You heard me right. On my own, without the paid coaching of a Personal Trainer, I embarked on 3 sets of 8 SQUAT THRUSTS! If I want that 10th pound, I'm going to work for it - DARN IT! I'm willing to work for it. I'm not expecting it to be handed to me, but it shouldn't be this difficult! I'm lunging, lifting and squatting - working, pushing and praying for that blasted 10th pound.


I want that 10th SMILEY! (I send a smiley to my trainer for every pound I've lost). I've gotten as close as : , but no )!

This will be the week! Today, I plan on tackling my "favorite" cardio machine - THE TREADMILL! I can't stand the treadmill. It's just so ... BORING! I'd rather run outside with grass and trees or even asphalt. Not like a hamster, running in place. But, it has to be done. If I want to burn the calories (and hopefully that last pound), then I need to push myself to do things I don't like to do. Today, that would be the treadmill.

So, in just a few short hours (I'll let you know how it goes), I'll head off to the gym and hit the treadmill in hopes of losing that elusive 10th pound.

Wish me luck...


The Gang's Momma! said...

I'm Here! I'm Here! Cheering you on and being all peep-like. I'm still finding my footing with our new routine (or distinct lack there of!) but I'm cheering you on in my heart :)


Mariann said...

You - I can count on!