A Size Healthier in 2009 - Even if it Kills Me!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back in the Day...

Years ago, when I was a mere child, I used to jump-rope. It would be fun. I would do a casual double-hop while singing some children's nursery rhyme:

"down by the banks of the hanky-panky
where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
with a hip...hop...hip...hop...hop..."
Nowadays - there's No double-hopping - it's one single hop as fast as I can until I jump 75 times. My heart is racing so fast, my face is draining of all the blood-flow, my lungs are screaming - wheezing, gasping for air... There are no nursery rhymes for children in my head - just the screaming rhythm of my heart beat throbbing through my brain and the sound of my breathe wheezing from my lungs...
I did 3 sets of these. I was sweating. I was panting. I was EXHAUSTED!
I ended up only working out for 30 minutes due to my exhaustion. I completed some medicine ball tossing/catching squats, push-ups and bicep curls before finishing it all off with 3 sets of crunches and reverse crunches.
I still am exhausted and it has been almost 4 hours!
I think it's time to go home and lay my weary head on my pillow and wait for tonights debate.

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